Title IX

Title IX and federal regulations prohibit discrimination based on sex. Bakke Graduate University (BGU) is governed by Title IX and is covered by certain provisions of Title IX. Sex discrimination violates an individual’s fundamental rights and personal dignity. BGU considers sex discrimination to be a serious offense. Title IX refers to all forms of sex discrimination, including, but not limited to, sexual harassment, sexual assault, and sexual violence by employees, students, or third parties meeting applicable Title IX definitions.

TITLE IX Coordinator and Deputy Coordinators

The Director of Operations is responsible for coordinating BGU’s compliance with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 and serves as BGU’s Title IX Coordinator. The Director of Student Services assists with coordinating Title IX complaints. BGU conducts activities appropriate to assure compliance with Title IX.

Nondiscrimination/Anti-harassment Policies

BGU’s compliance with Title IX is implemented in the context of BGU’s broader Nondiscrimination/Anti-harassment Policy and Grievance Procedures, which generally advises BGU community of prohibited discriminatory and harassing conduct by Community Members, as well as the resources and processes for addressing and resolving complaints of discrimination, harassment and/or violation of BGU’s policy. BGU also prohibits sexual harassment. This policy is per Titles VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended; Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972; the Americans with Disabilities Act; and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.

Scope of TITLE IX-related Activities

Matters involving allegations of sex-based discrimination, as well as allegations of sexual misconduct, as defined by BGU’s policies on sexual misconduct are subject to review under Title IX.

Filing a Complaint

Any student, faculty, staff, or visitor to our community may file a complaint to BGU’s Title IX Coordinator or other responsible parties employed at BGU. Those notified will alert BGU’s Title IX Coordinator immediately. In addition to reporting acts of harassment, discrimination, and retaliation internally to BGU’s Title IX Coordinator, students, faculty, and staff are encouraged to report any suspected or alleged criminal activity to the Director of Student Services or local law enforcement authorities. 

BGU 2024_25_Handbook_Core Appendices

Privacy and Confidentiality

Activities carried out in response to BGU’s obligations under Title IX will be conducted with regard to any legitimate privacy and reputational interests of those involved. Information prepared or acquired under Title IX procedures will be shared only with those who have a legitimate need to know. Disclosure of such information may also be made if it is permitted by law and BGU’s Title IX Coordinator determines in his or her judgment: (1) that such disclosure is necessary to protect the health, safety, or well-being of members of the BGU community; or (2) that such disclosure advances the interests of those involved in the process and/or BGU and outweighs the interest in confidentiality.

While BGU’s Title IX Coordinator will take into account any requests made by a grievant for confidentiality or that a Title IX matter not be investigated, BGU Title IX Coordinator will take appropriate steps to respond to the matter consistent with the requirements of Title IX.


Retaliation against any person in BGU’s community either for alleging discrimination prohibited by Title IX or for cooperating in a Title IX investigation or grievance is strictly prohibited.

Standard of Evidence

BGU’s Title IX Coordinator shall review allegations of discrimination prohibited by Title IX by applying a preponderance of the evidence standard.

Timeliness of TITLE IX

While the time it may take to investigate and resolve a Title IX matter will depend on a variety of factors, BGU’s Title IX Coordinator will seek to resolve any grievance within a timely manner, which will depend on the nature and scope of the allegations being investigated.

Right of Appeal and Review of Disciplinary Proceedings

Appeal rights are referenced in applicable student, faculty, and staff handbooks. Decisions regarding remedial measures may be made through a written appeal to BGU’s Title IX Coordinator.