
BGU Partners (formal agreements to serve BGU students and global leaders)

BGST - Biblical Graduate School of Theology, Singapore

BGU’s Singapore program for theologically trained leaders serving in business settings.

BGU Korea Program

BGU’s Korean language program

IBSTH – International Business School of The Hague

Innovative school of business and management located in The Netherlands in the city of The Hague.

Université de l’Alliance Chrétienne d’Abidjan (UACA, formerly FATEAC)

Christian university founded by the CMA church that offers bachelor’s, masters’, and doctoral degrees within an African Christian worldview

CCDA – Christian Community Development Association

A network of urban leaders focused on city community development and advocacy.

CETI - Comunidad de Estudios Teológicos Interdisciplinarios

Host for BGU’s Spanish language degree program focused on Integral Mission

Leadership Foundations

A network of leaders serving cities with cross-sector solutions to create economic, spiritual, and community flourishing.

The Lausanne Movement

A global network of Christian leaders focused on connecting around the vision of global evangelism.

Theology of Work Grant

Mustard Seed Foundation initiated a grant program to train global leaders on various theology of work topics.

Theology of Work Project

Biblical resources are connected to various topics of work and life.

Northway Christian Community Church

North Way Christian Community is a multi-site, non-denominational church that wants to see Pittsburgh experience hope and transformation by experiencing the gospel of Jesus Christ.

World Evangelical Alliance, Alliance Engagement and Global Institute of Leadership

A global network founded in 1846 serving 650 million evangelicals in 143 national evangelical alliances.

BGU Collaborators (working together in various project)

City Vision University

Low-cost Christian based undergraduate and graduate education.

The Educators University

Providing low cost, values-based education for Christian K-12 teachers.

IMT - Institute for Marketplace Transformation

Training Christian leaders in workplaces to live out their business calling

Kingdom Story Ministries

Biblical teaching reflecting the natural story settings of the Bible

Global Trust Partners

Establishing national financial accountability among Christian global leaders, as well as providing robust board development resources

ICAL - International Coalition of Apostolic Leaders

A global network of leaders gifted in network leadership.

Street Psalms / Urban Training Collaborative

A community of incarnational urban leaders practicing rhythms of life together to thrive in challenging urban ministry settings among the poor.

visionSynergy Build facilitators and tools for collaboration among Christian leaders worldwide

Global Scholars

Equips Christian professors to serve Christ in secular universities worldwide through fifteen proven programs and services.

Radius International

Assists the evangelical church and missions community by providing pre-field missions training that will equip cross-cultural workers to establish healthy, indigenous, reproducing churches among unreached language groups.

RCCG Redeemed Christian Church of God

Church movement originating in Nigeria now in 197 countries, 9 million members, and over 50,000 parishes.

The Society of Christian Scholars

Equips Christian academics to have a missional and redemptive influence for Christ among their students, colleagues, institutions, and academic disciplines.

Cities Project Global

Cities Project Global is dedicated to help leaders live out their God-given purpose and design to transform their community in every sphere of work in global cities.