Certificate Program for Missional Spiritual Director
Course Description

The Missional Spiritual Direction Certificate Program trains individuals interested in becoming spiritual directors in today’s context. The program provides participants with the necessary skills, knowledge, and practicum to guide others in their spiritual journey while directing them to integrate mission and calling into their practice of spiritual discipline. 

What is a Missional Spiritual Director?

The spiritual directors, also known as spiritual friends or companions, guide and support individuals on their spiritual journey. They focus on helping individuals deepen their relationship with the divine. Spiritual directors listen deeply to the individual's stories and ask questions that allow directees to notice where they are in their spiritual journey.

A missional spiritual direction fulfills the abovementioned role. It also reflects how the individual's spiritual growth (inward) and God's mission (outward) intersect in their journey. This certificate program reflects the beliefs and practices that inward and outward spirituality are not separate but one journey: the Active Contemplative Life. Thus, the missional spiritual directors pay attention to God's timing and, when appropriate, engage in conversations with the individuals about call, purpose, and mission and welcome everyone from all walks of life.

Therefore, missional spiritual directors have a unique invitation to focus on inclusivity and diversity in their work and may seek to understand and incorporate a variety of spiritual traditions and practices. They may also be more attuned to issues of power and privilege and work to ensure that all individuals have equal access to spiritual guidance and resources.

Course Outcome

Upon completing the program, participants will receive certification as a Missional Spiritual Director from Bakke Graduate University.

Course Details

The Missional Spiritual Direction Certificate Program is a two-year program designed with six modules and a practicum.

The program includes the following components:

  • Online Orientation: Introduction to Missional Spiritual Direction; Personal Formation; Inward Journey

  • Module 1: Individual Direction Part 1 Learning the foundational skills and understanding the basic framework of missional spiritual direction.

  • Module 2: Individual Direction Part 2 Providing guidance for being a spiritual director; begin practicum with supervision.

  • Module 3: Theory and Practice to Missional Spiritual Direction – human condition, transformational process, spiritual growth; practicum with supervision.

  • In-Person/Online Retreat: Personal Formation: Inward, outward, and together journey.

  • Module 4: Group Direction; practicum with supervision.

  • Module 5: Active/Contemplative Life Part 1 How to integrate missional practices into spiritual direction; practicum with supervision.

  • Module 6: Active/Contemplative Life Part 2 Topics related to the active contemplative life in Missional Spiritual Direction; practicum with supervision.



Prerequisite Requirements

Received direction from a Spiritual Director Experienced in the contemplative life and prayer practices.


6 – 9 week modules over 2 years.

Instruction Method

Weekly Zoom meetings, readings, discussions, hands-on experiential assignments.

Level of Instructor Involvement

Small group setting, paired with supervisor.


Certified Missional Spiritual Director. No academic credit.


Dr. Bruce Jackson: Director of Doctor of Ministry Bakke Graduate University. He has served as associate pastor, director of community development, spiritual director, and executive pastor. He has served as a spiritual director in multiple contexts in the US and internationally. He provides a balance of practical training from years of experience, spiritual formation from living as an urban contemplative, and theoretical understanding from reading and studying.

Rev. Dan Lee: Spiritual Director at ReWire. He is an ordained pastor of Evangelical Covenant Church and has been part of launching church plants since 1998. Dan has extensive experience in pastoral counseling, has led developmental projects in Nepal, and serves as an affiliated trainer and coach for Transformational Movement with the Exponent Group in Boston. He provides spiritual directions to kingdom catalysts and church leaders while leading a micro-church at his home.

Online Application:
  1. Please download and fill in the Online Application Form: LINK

  2. Please send the filled in Online Application Form to bruce.jackson@bgu.edu