BGU Personnel Updates

In the last 2 months, BGU has undergone a number of personnel changes; a few of our staff retired while others moved on due to personal reasons. We want to record a word of thanks for their dedication and labour of love over many years with BGU. We are also thankful to God for providing a team of new people to replace our veterans in such a short time. We would like to welcome the following new personnel into the BGU family:

Merle Baldwin took on the role of Director of Administration and Finance in September. She brings a great deal of experience and expertise into her role, having performed a similar role while running her printing business in Jamaica, where she is based.

Kathy Pierburg joined us as the new Director of Certificates, also in September. She is currently a PhD student at BGU, based out of Georgia in the U.S. She has a great deal of experience in church and nonprofit leadership. She’s excited about working with the BGU team to take our certificates program to the next level.

Our new IT Administrator is Jad Dagher, who is based in the Dallas area. He came on board in late September. Jad grew up in Lebanon but has now made the US his home. He brings a wealth of experience and many innovative ideas to his work with information technology.

Katie Berube started on October 1st  as our new Director of Student Services. Beginning January 1st , she will also begin serving as BGU’s Registrar. She’s currently a student in our DTL program. Katie is a US citizen based in Guatemala where she started a social business to provide dignified, safe employment opportunities and holistic support services to the local community.

Finally, Allison Sherwin joined us as the Admissions Coordinator in late October. A US citizen based in South Africa, she has a track record of working in cross-cultural ministry teams, mentoring individuals and shepherding groups.

It is our prayer that our new staff will work out their calling and harness their giftedness and skills in their new roles in BGU.

Dr. Debbie Yip

Advisor to the President (Operations & Projects)