Why You Must Study Conflict Resolution With Dr. Olagunju

I have taught conflict resolution to several students at Bakke Graduate University, Dallas Texas (BGU). There is no single one of them that is left the same after attending my class. I think Dr. Augustine’s testimony below gives an idea of what my class does to people, old and young, who come under my tutelage at BGU.

"The Peacebuilding class at BGU, led by Professor Jide, profoundly impacted my understanding of conducting transformative change in environments, aiming for the advancement of humanity. This course not only emphasized the importance of holistic perspectives but also placed them at the forefront of evaluating and generating insights to promote equitable outcomes. Through this transformative journey, I discovered profound insights about my own identity, my relationship with God, and my role within the broader societal context. The class has instilled in me a deep sense of purpose and responsibility to contribute to the betterment of individuals, communities, and the world at large." (Rev. K. Augustine Tanner-Ihm)

Why is my conflict resolution class so impactful to anyone seeking to improve in any area of their life? It is not just because I teach from my soul with an attitude of complete respect and palpable appreciation for my students who come from every faith, race and continent in the world. I change people’s lives because I have been profoundly changed myself by what I teach: I am a student in my own class and of my own students: I transform all because I am transformed myself by what I teach and learn, which is holistic conflict resolution, peace building and organizational/business dispute resolution. I teach from deep inspiration. I readily give credit to God for that experience that makes me teach conflict resolution in a unique and most impactful and impartful manner. For three decades, as I painstakingly report at pages 4 to 39 of the 1st edition of the Journal of Conflict Studies (JOCS) (2023), I have learnt and I teach the ten (10) steps in conflict resolution; the foundation of conflict resolution; and the philosophy of conflict that profoundly reveals that conflict is neither evil nor bad but the neutral mechanism that drives the whole of life and also gives meaning to life: conflict is the engine of life and of all human progress. My students quickly see this truth as I teach them through a very unique interactive conceptualization methodology where I begin from what they know and wherever they are in their individual lives, professional, corporate and personal, to create a profound paradigm shift in their perception of conflict and their engagement with it. My students who come from very diverse backgrounds immediately experience a changed, better and happier life, at home, inside themselves, and at their work and businesses.

I think you owe yourself that better life that my conflict resolution class teaches and imparts. Join me at whatever level and time via the various classes and courses that I lead and teach, and which you can join from the comfort of your home and office via Zoom. These courses and classes include the following:

⦁ The special Intensive Certificate in Conflict Studies course, which awards up to 12 academic credits;

⦁ The regular conflict resolution classes. This July-September 2023, I will teach the Peace Building Class; and in October-December 2023, I will teach the Conflict Resolution Class;

⦁ The special Certified Mediator Certificate (CMC) program;

⦁ The special Certificate of Achievement in Conflict Resolution.

I look forward to seeing you in class as soon as you can!

Dr. Olajide Olagunju

Professor of Conflict Resolution; Peace Building; Organization & Business Dispute Resolution; Law & Ethics

Learn about Dr. Olagunju HERE.