Supporting Olympic Kingdom Athletes

As many of us watched the Olympic Games in Paris over the past few weeks, it is easy to recognize athletes doing what we could never dream we could do ourselves. Most have natural talents we don’t have. All have committed to years of intense training that we have not done.

The same is true in the way God has called various people to serve in diverse global settings.

Many have cultural understanding, native language skills and relationships to demonstrate God’s Kingdom in difficult places that we will never have. In former decades, it made sense that missionaries with access to advanced education and financial resources in the west were needed for missions in difficult places. That is often still true, but more often now, there are people more qualified than a western missionary could ever be.

They are doing what we could never dream of doing ourselves. And that is how Christ’s body, the global church, works.

BGU has students, faculty and alumni in over 60 nations, many serving in cultures and urban settings where demonstrating the gospel is very difficult. Yet, they are faithful in their calling to stay there. BGU educates them without removing them from the very place where they are most effective, where they have great influence, and long-term relationships. This propels them to even higher levels of demonstrating the Kingdom and sharing the gospel.

Please support these Olympic Kingdom champions, not just in training, but in the race as they train. BGU has a unique track record and calling to support advanced leaders who are called to difficult places.

Please pray about giving a donation to support these champions at

Thank you.

Dr. Brad Smith
