President's Note - February 2024

Recently, I had the opportunity to gather with a group of leaders in Christian higher education who are thinking through innovative ways to equip leaders to serve in churches and to impact communities in cities. I was fascinated to learn more about what others are doing, as BGU will always need to adapt and learn as we seek to train transformational leaders across the globe. At the same time, I was excited to share about the many innovative ways that BGU accomplishes our mission.

BGU truly is making a difference in many places with leaders serving in just about every sector of society. In this edition of the BGU newsletter you’ll be inspired by stories of life change that have been shaped by our online courses, city immersion courses, partnerships, alumni engagement, and more. BGU has an amazing story to tell!

Of course, our inspirational impact at BGU would not happen without the hard work and dedication of our staff and contractors. It’s been a season of change since I’ve stepped into the president’s role, with many new faces joining our team. Just within the past six months, Dr. Belete Mebratu (Ethiopia) has started serving as our new academic dean; Bunmi Morgan (United States) has started training to become our new registrar; Merle Baldwin (Jamaica) has taken on the director of administration and finance, Simi Deleawe (United States) has taken on leadership of our accounting services; Allison Sherwin (South Africa) has been guiding new potential students as our admissions coordinator; Kathy Pierburg (United States) has taken on the challenge of serving as our certificates director; Jad Dagher (United States) has embraced his role as our IT administrator; and Sarah Dhanaraj (Canada) has started supporting our staff and faculty as our new HR coordinator.

I’m amazed by the giftedness and diversity of the new team members that the Lord has brought to BGU. Please lift up all of these new members of the BGU family in prayer as they have many responsibilities to keep up with as we continue to grow and scale our impact around the world.

Dr. Bryan McCabe
