Prayer Corner - August 2023

City Immersions are an opportunity to immerse ourselves in what God is doing in another city so that we can learn from the people in that city, and bring home new opportunities for our cities. They are also a short period of time when God can speak into us something new. Approaching such an opportunity requires an open mind, heart, and spirit. Many of us have formed new and long lasting friendships with people from all over the world as the Holy Spirit knits our hearts together. These global friendships are transformative as we continue to hear about what God is doing globally over the years. 

Before we start our site visits each day, we immerse ourselves in meditations, contemplations, and journaling. We invite the Holy Spirit to help us see what we need to see. At the end of the day we examine our hearts for times when we experienced God’s presence and the times when we didn’t. We offer up what we have discovered in prayer so that we may continue to be transformed into the image of Christ. 

The inner life of those who attend is an important aspect of our immersions/overtures. We discover that learning is also a form of worship - worshipping God with our minds. This form of worship/learning is integral to the BGU experience for all who are a part of the BGU community. 

This month I invite you into the journey of spiritual transformation by asking you to consider being part of a city immersion/overture.

Would you be willing to join in the adventure of discovering God’s Shalom for you and your city? Would you also pray for your city and the cities we will be exploring? May God bless you as you pursue Him wholeheartedly. 

Dr. Nita Kotiuga

Director of Spiritual Formation