This month I invite you to join the BGU staff in a prayer and fasting experience (February 24 - March 1). Feel free to choose a day or week to fast from something that has a hold on you or food, and give that time to prayer, read your Bible, journal your experience, and see what God will grow in you. Here are some guidelines if you would like to use them:
You can choose to meditate on portions of Scripture or contemplate the Gospels to encounter Christ. For more information on this please contact me.
Keep a journal of what you are experiencing: emotions, reactions, thoughts, and your written processing of the experience.
Our emotions tell us where we are, they may not be what we want them to be, but they are real.
Our reactions often have to do with justice and equality, pay attention to those.
Our thoughts may be useful or not.
Dr. Nita Kotiuga
Spiritual Director