DTL, Bakke Graduate University
MSc in Business Administration, University of Illinois
BSc in Social Communication, PUC, Brazil
Professional Experience: Paula Togni has an MSc degree in Business Administration from the University of Illinois and a DTL degree from BGU. For the past twenty years, Paula has been working as a business consultant in her own company, working mostly in the healthcare and services sectors. For the past 10 years, she has been the coordinator of Global Advance (GA) for Brazil. GA is a missions organization from Dallas, Texas that supports and equips leaders for the Great Commission. In 2010 she founded Rede Semente, a Christian Business Ministry to equip leaders in the marketplace. She is the founder and the president of “Rede Brilhe,” a nonprofit organization focused on equipping women. On 2021, she opened HOPE Brazil, a program and a house for the transformation of women in economic and social vulnerability. Paula leads the income generation program inside HOPE teaching entrepreneurship and finance principles. She is also a speaker in calling and leadership. Paula is married to Carlo and has 2 daughters: Laura (19) and Giovana (15). Her passion is to ignite people to fulfill the calling of their lives.