Ph.D. in Mathematics, University of Tennessee
MSc in Mathematics, Madurai University
BSc in Mathematics, Madurai University
Professional Experience: After Dr. Retnam completed his master’s degree in mathematics, through a competitive process, he was selected to do research at the Indian Statistical Institute, New Delhi, India. He was a Junior Research Fellow at the Indian Statistical Institute, New Delhi, India. At the Institute, he met Dr. Balram Rajput from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN. He came to the United States and completed his Ph.D. degree with Dr. Rajput in Probability Theory and Stochastic Processes. Two years after coming to the USA, he accepted Jesus as his Lord and his Savior, and after graduation, he served as a Professor of Mathematics in five Christian Universities/Colleges, for 22 years. Besides his research in Probability Theory, he has served as a statistical consultant to some studies, including his service as a statistical consultant to an Investment Company for a short time. His involvement in working with finances lead him to complete the required courses for the Certificate in Financial Planning, and he completed four actuarial exams. Five years ago, he received a master’s degree in Systems Engineering, from the University of Virginia. He has taught Mathematics, Statistics, and Engineering to undergraduate students, and he has taught MBA statistics courses. His heart is in Christian Education and Statistics. Currently, he lives in Lynchburg, VA, and he serves as the Chair of Mathematics at Central Virginia Community College, Lynchburg, VA. He and his wife have one son, and he is residing and working in Boston, MA. He and his wife are currently members of the Rivermont Evangelical Presbyterian Church, Lynchburg, VA.