PhD in Missiology, North-West University, South Africa
DMin in Missional Leadership, Asbury Theological Seminary
MTh Faculté de Théologie Evangelique de Bangui
BTh, Institut Supérieur de Théologie Evangélique Goyongo, DR Cong
Professional Experience: Dr. Fohle Lygunda li-M (DMin Asbury Theological Seminary and a Ph.D. in missiology, North-West University, South Africa). He serves as a missionary with his family in Burundi, at International Leadership University, he alternately served as head of the missiology department, dean of theology, academic secretary, and interim rector. Since 2014, he has been an extraordinary researcher in missiology at North-West University (NWU), Potchefstroom, South Africa, where he supervises graduate works (Master's and Ph.D.). He also serves as a postgraduate thesis examiner at the University of South Africa (UNISA), and South African Theological Seminary (SATS). He directs Africa Center for Interdisciplinary Studies (ACIS), Kinshasa, DRC, which he founded in 2017. He is also a member of the editorial board of the Dictionary of African Christian Biography ( His areas of research include missiology, contextual theology, leadership, and education. Author of several books, including Transforming Missiology (Langham, 2018).