WITH a scripture in her heart, ‘I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me,’ 79-year-old Evonne Osman, gracefully walked across the stage of a special graduation ceremony last Saturday to receive her doctorate in Transformational Leadership from Bakke Graduate University (BGU), a Dallas, Texas-based university.
Osman, a mother of one and grandmother to one, has always had a knack for obtaining information, as such, her motto was always to shoot for the stars.
During an exclusive interview with this newspaper, Osman, who is currently the headteacher of the Nehemiah Comprehensive School, said that her journey to achieving her academic goals began at the age of 12 after her father’s death, which led to her migration to Guyana from Aruba, the country of her birth.

Determined to learn more, Osman decided to again apply to a university to read for her master’s and doctorate degrees.
“In 2012 I registered at BGU, so I started my masters with them, and so I continued to do the doctorate there,” she said.
While studying and academics were nothing new to her, technology was a hurdle she did not think she’d had to face this time.
“I was not particularly technology-based person …over the years, young people have been helping me. For the university, they were specific formatting that had to be done, I couldn’t handle that.”
However, this did not alter her course; while she wasn’t the most ‘tech savvy’ student, she was most definitely the most determined. The new technologies did take some time to get used to, so Osman had no trouble getting by with her studies, but the inevitables of life almost plundered in her spirit.
Read the whole article HERE.

On the last photo:
Rev. Dr. Bishop R.M. Massiah and the Chief Education Oficer in Guyana, Dr. Marcel Hutson, adorning Ms. Evonne Osman with her hood and medallion, while the Professors in Texas, read her citation, in the background screen, at a special graduation ceremony that was held at the Generation Next building in Durban Street Wortmanville last Saturday.