More Accessible Admission into the Doctor of Ministry Program
Bakke Graduate University now more accessible admission into the Doctor of Ministry Program for Pastors, Church Leaders, Christian Community Development Leaders

Bakke Graduate University has announced the Master of Divinity Requirement into the BGU Doctor of Ministry has been removed.

What are the implications?

First, a 60-hour master’s degree is no longer required. You can now be admitted into the program with a 40 master’s degree. In addition, there is an expectation for the applicant to demonstrate theological competency.

How do I demonstrate theological competency?

There are two ways we have established demonstrating theological Competency.

The first way is to have completed 20 hours of master’s level course work in theology and biblical studies. The second way is completion of BGU DMin course called Theological Foundations.

What is the benefit of studying in the BGU Doctor of Ministry Program?

BGU is a unique school where the professors are current practitioners, faith community innovators in cities, communities, and villages with the credentials to teach. The extensive network gives BGU unique access to the thinkers, leaders, and practitioners in the global Christian church - our classes are globally focused and globally accessible. The combination of online courses united with City Immersions held in places like Ghana, Singapore, Memphis, Dallas,… provide the student with challenging conversations, space to reimagine the church today in community, and self-understanding in transformational living and leadership.

Doctor of Ministry Program is established for pastors, para-church leaders, urban ministry leaders, missionary leaders, and those advancing the church into the community. The program provides biblical and theological foundation for Kingdom living and Transformational leadership living in your context.

  • Biblical/Theological Foundations

  • Global Narrative Theology 

  • Global Mission Development

  • City Immersion: Transformational Leadership

The student builds upon the foundation through elective courses. The Independent Study is focused on areas of their interest to enhance practical learning, contextual based studies through community learning model. The student benefits studying with global student body and professors who are practitioners from around the world.

Finally, there are three areas of emphasis upon the program:

  • Spiritual Formation – offering Missional Spiritual Director training

  • Preparing leaders and the church for new/ancient church expressions in this time of transitions

  • The church impacting the community and world in holistic expressions

Simply stated: BGU provides the student with the opportunity, the space, and the access to study, research, and address the transitions in the church and the world today in the student's context with innovative responses to impact the community and the world.

The outcome is to provide the student with the ability to reimagine the church in the city,  community, and village today.

Check out the program HERE.