Honoring Those who Have Served Us

It is a busy time among the staff and faculty of BGU as they prepare for graduating students at our commencement on June 3, 2023 in Dallas. Final edits on dissertations are being made. Oral reviews are being scheduled. Dissertation advisors, faculty, editors, and administrators who have spent hours coaching, encouraging, scheduling, and editing dissertations are excited to see how well their students have done. Students finishing their dissertations experience a sense of relief and accomplishment perhaps at levels they have not experienced often before.

As with most schools, tuition does not pay the full costs of the expenses it takes to equip and graduate a student. The BGU family thrives because so many individuals sacrificially give their time, expertise and money. Please prayerfully consider if you might honor those individuals who have served you by giving a donation expressing thank you to someone who has been particularly helpful to you.

When you donate to BGU at https://bgu.edu/giving there is an opportunity to write a note in the “Description” field as you give. A note of thank you addressed to a particular person in the BGU family will be forwarded to them letting them know you have donated to BGU in their honor.

Even if you graduated in past years, or plan to graduate in future years, a note can be included to say thank you to someone who helped you in your journey.

Sometimes family members also want to say thank you. They can donate and write a note expressing the name of the person they are celebrating their accomplishment. That will also be forwarded to the graduate as a statement of joy and support.

There is much to be thankful for to God and to others during this time of reflecting on the hard work and years to achieve a degree.

Thank you for considering a donation to BGU during this season.

Brad Smith

