Generosity is Contagious - Financial Update, April 2024

BGU must raise funds to sustain its work. BGU provides significant discounts up to 50% to students from non-developed economies. To do this, BGU must make significant sacrifices to run a “lean” organization with staff and faculty in 5 continents. BGU leaders face very real hardships to do this.

Every BGU student is asked to give to their fellow students. Often that gift is time. BGU is a peer-learning based organization so students must contribute more time to each other in online classrooms and urban immersions than at most universities. Instead of absorbing information for themselves, they are called to share their cultural viewpoint, often in a class with people from over 8 time zones. That takes time, patience, curiosity, and discipline. It is a gift.

BGU alumni are asked to not leave BGU at graduation, but to stay involved. Many give financial gifts which allow BGU to serve those who follow them. Many give time to the Alumni Council and its work to engage the alumni family. Many give their skills to mentor students, serve as dissertation advisors or create content from their front-line leadership roles that can be used in BGU degree courses and certificate courses.

Generosity includes giving sacrificially, with joy, and gratitude. It must have both action as well as attitude. It is a mindset that says, “I constantly think about how I have been given so much by Jesus. I am delighted to give to others even when it creates hardships.” It doesn’t mean the sacrifice is not felt. But the results of the pain of sacrifice is the joy of communion with God and others.

Sometimes we think only those who have and give money are called to generosity. Yet, all of us are called to generosity. It becomes a contagious lifestyle of joy. BGU’s fiscal year end is June 30 and we are facing the challenge of needing additional financial gifts to finish well. Any amount no matter how small or large is significant to BGU and to those who give with generosity. This is a time of intense coaching and preparation as BGU prepares students for graduation on June 1. Please consider a gift to BGU during this exciting and busy time.

Dr. Brad Smith
