Financial Update - Year-End Giving

Please prayerfully consider giving to BGU this season as BGU’s fiscal year ends June 30. You can give at including several new ways to give that are easier and minimize international transfer fees. 

For the last century, missions has been from “the west to the rest.” In the last two decades this has radically changed so that missions is now from “everywhere to everywhere,” and is often centered around leaders in business, government, education, non-profit, and not just churches. While missions in the last century mostly targeted rural areas, the global mass migration to cities has created new missions opportunities and challenges in cities.  BGU was uniquely formed as a university in 2003 to train leaders in Christian theology, business and urban studies. BGU students and graduates are uniquely trained to lead God’s work in their nations. This diversity in cultures, geography, and roles also includes significant economic diversity as well. BGU’s calling to serve at the forefront of global missions requires donations from everywhere. Please consider a fiscal year end gift to BGU. We are grateful for your prayers and support.

Thank you.

Dr. Brad Smith
