Faculty Senate

About Us

Every faculty member is automatically a member of the Faculty Senate. The Senate is designed to represent faculty interests to university leaders and staff. Faculty interests may include:

  • Communicating to university leaders all information that sustains the best interests of the academic functioning of the university.

  • Ensuring academic policy decisions or matters which affect the policy decisions are handled appropriately.

  • Recommending policy with regard to major issues which affect the university.

  • Maintaining inter-faculty and communications between the faculty and the administration.

  • Initiating processes in support of academic freedom.

  • Investigating grievances from faculty members; it shall report the findings and make recommendations to the appropriate parties.

  • To review all policies and formulate recommendations with respect to the general welfare of the university.


The BGU Faculty Senate will provide BGU professors with:

  • A means of mutual self-assessment of how well they, the faculty, are carrying out Bakke Graduate University’s mission.   

  • An opportunity to individually realign their own goals with those of BGU.

  • A vehicle through which common concerns of the faculty may be voiced to BGU administrators through semi-annual meetings.

  • Opportunities for professional development, collaboration, and career advancement.


  1. The BGU Faculty Senate consists of all BGU professors. Every Bakke Graduate University degree director and professor (adjunct as well as resource faculty) is automatically a member of the BGU Faculty Senate.  

  2. Three officers will conduct BGU Faculty Senate business. BGU Faculty Senate Officers will consist of three members: a president, a vice-president, and a secretary-treasurer. Initially, staggered terms will be established as follows: president—three years; vice-president—two years; secretary-treasurer—one year. At the end of each expired term, the subsequent officer will be elected to a three-year term. 


Upcoming Events

  • Semi-annual BGU Faculty Senate Meeting: TBD

  • Faculty Senate BGU T-Shirt Sale. Proceeds go to faculty Christmas gifts and tokens of appreciation. Click here to order yours today.


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