Our next Writers’ Community Session will take place on December 8th, 2023. The Zoom details are below. Our presenter will be Dr. Fohle Lygunda.
Title: I WRITE TO COMMUNICATE: Exploring Three Essential Drivers and Dilemma in Academic Writing
Dr. Lygunda will explore the sense and the essence of the following while drawing principles for proactive and productive written communication:
1. I write to communicate what I think to share. But it might not be what my readers would expect.
2. I write to communicate what I want to share. But it might not be what my readers would like.
3. I write to communicate what I decide to share. But it might not be what my readers would value.
The presentation will enable participants to craft a compelling research project, to anticipate readers’ critical reactions and to fruitfully write to communicate. Dr. Lygunda’s wisdom will not only shape academic writing for current students, but engage writers to better communicate in all forms of publication.
Date and time: Friday, December 8th, 7:00 a.m. PDT
Join on Zoom HERE.

Dr. Fohle Lygunda, li-M, is a professor of missiology and contextual theology. He currently serves with Tearfund as the Theology and Networking Manager for Africa, working with African theological networks and institutions to integrate holistic mission and contextual theologies into theological education. Fohle is an ordained minister with an evangelical denomination in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). He holds a doctorate (DMin) in missional leadership from Asbury Theological Seminary (USA), and another (PhD) in missiology from North-West University (South Africa). He is passionate for problem and solution-driven contextual research projects. Dr. Lygunda is the author of Transforming Missiology and A Model of Missional Leadership Training in a Context of Brokenness.