Dr. Ted Turnau agreed to be the guest speaker at our Saturday, October 28 webinar at 10 am Eastern.

Ted's bio:
Ted Turnau has an M.Div. and a Ph.D. in Apologetics from Westminster Theological Seminary. He currently serves as Chair of Literature and Culture at Anglo-American University in Prague, Czech Republic, where he teaches classes in culture, media, religion, and social theory. He and his wife Carolyn often invite students into their home for movie discussion nights and Bible studies. He also writes and speaks to help equip Christians to engage their cultures. He is the author of Popologetics: Popular Culture in Christian Perspective (P&R, 2012), The Pop Culture Parent: Helping Kids Engage their World for Christ (New Growth, 2020), Oasis of Imagination: Engaging Our World through a Better Creativity (with co-authors E. Stephen Burnett and Jared Moore - IVP-UK, 2023) and Imagination Manifesto: A Call to Plant Oases of Imagination (with co-author Ruth Naomi Floyd - IVP-UK, 2023). Ted and his wife Carolyn have three grown children, three cats, and a rabbit.
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