The Executive MBA Program invites you to the Network Up: Connecting Opportunities Personalized Coaching Session that will be held February 15th, 2025 at 10 am Eastern.
Please, Join BGU students: Adel Azmy (EMBA), Ruth Camela Taylor (DTL), and Jacqueline Geddes (PhD) as they present their project ideas for funding in a 90-minute Coaching Experience.
The presenters will receive feedback from invited guests, finance and funding experts, and the Network Up community to fine-tune their presentations for Lions Den and other funding opportunities. Additionally, Network Up: Connecting Opportunities will provide the presenters with grant contacts to begin their grant writing.
This event is a great opportunity to invite your friends, Personal Learning Community (PLC) members, and collaborating partners to learn more about our work, provide feedback, and support you.
You can find the Zoom link HERE.