Transformational Mentors: How Mystic Activists Keep us in the Game
with Dr. Kit Danley
7:00 AM & 5:00 PM Central US (-5 GMT)
How do believers stay in the “game” in the face of so many obstacles? How we follow Jesus into hard places and do unusual things consistent with our discipleship, how we find our spiritual disciplines (our life from the Spirit) enabling us to live inside pain, how we pragmatically watch “love win”. This BGU webinar topic comes not just out of the decades of living, but out of a class I have been developing for ten years called Mystic Activists. Curtiss Paul DeYoung in In Living Faith: How Faith Inspires Social Justice gives a great description of this kind of person: “Some activists possess a certain quality that's hard to put your finger on; you just know it when you see it. They are hopeful when the situation seems hopeless, they are gracious—even to those they struggle against—and their powerful convictions are reflected not just in their speech but in the way they live their lives … people driven by an activism that consumes them but is "yet deeply rooted in their faith and in the mystery of the divine. This inward-outward faith is lived intensely, through commitments to spiritual disciplines such as prayer, meditation, and fasting and an unwavering determination to work for justice.”
Zoom Meeting: https://bgu.zoom.us/j/8014115060