The BGU Alumni Association was officially established in 2018 at a face-to-face event at the BGU main campus in Dallas Texas which also provided alumni, associates and friends globally to participate in this landmark event virtually.
The first Alumni Association Annual General Meeting (AGM) was held in February 2022 with an approximate registration of 100 participants and an actual attendance of over 50, which was very encouraging. Since then the annual meetings have been hosted on two days in order to facilitate the time-zone differences of the wide global network of BGU alumni. So far, The AGM has been held virtually, and we look forward to hosting a hybrid event (face-to-face and online) in 2026.
This year the AGM is scheduled to be held on Friday April 25 at 8:00 pm and Saturday April 26, at 11:00 am US Central Time, the details of the time-zone differences are provided below:
Asia/Australia/India on Saturday morning (Friday night in Eastern and Central time)
8:00 PM US Central
9:00 PM Eastern Time
07:30 AM Myanmar
9:00 AM Singapore
11:00 AM Sydney
Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 864 7929 8387
Find your local number:
The theme of the AGM is:
The Christian Church, the Community, and Holistic Health and Wellness
A Call for Presenters was sent out in January to which some responses have been received mainly from alumni in the US. The Call is therefore still out for presenters from Africa, Europe, Asia and the Caribbean.
The program for each of the two days will include:
1. One presentation from BGU alumni on the implementation of aspects of their dissertation which must be related to the theme of the AGM (challenges and successes)
2. One presentation on an alumni certificate course implemented in a particular country/state/city (challenges and successes)
3. Promotion of the BGU Certificate program by BGU staff
4. Promotion of two books written by BGU alumni
5. Greetings/Reports/Updates from the BGU President and Chancellor who are both alumni
6. Update on the new BGU program in Africa
7. Opportunity for follow-up meetings to facilitate the establishment of regional alumni chapters
8. Invitation for authors to contribute to the New Urban World Journal
The sessions will be interactive where applicable, so participants will be able to ask questions at appropriate intervals during the session.
So please look out for the registration information and invite your fellow BGU alumni in your circles to come out and be a part of this alumni network for not only the growth and development of your alma mater but also the growth of your individual and collaborative capacity in urban missions for us all to contribute to the flourishing of our cities globally.
BGU Alumni who have authored a book are being invited to participate in this year's BGU Alumni Annual General Meeting by creating and submitting a short video promoting your book. The meeting will be recorded and made accessible on YouTube and the BGU website. Guidelines: 2-3 minutes long and of good audio and visual quality. Please submit your videos by Friday, March 28.
Contact: Dr. Marlene Hines Alumni President at for any additional information relating to your participation in this event.