Transformational Management and Administration in Biblical Principles & Perspective for the Urban: God-Centered Management and Administration for Christian Ministerial Worker
by Sin Yi "Annisa" Wong
June 1st, 2010
Practicing management and administration roles in the Christian Church and para-church ministry culture and setting is normal, regardless of the ministerial workers’ preference, experience and training background. However, there is not any integration of biblical principles with management and administration concepts for those taking the management and administration role in ministry.
Management and administration has been considered as a discipline of arts science, not a theological topic. Management and administration from financial, sociological and psychological perspective can be seen in the market, but seldom from the perspective of Christian faith and the Bible, nor conclusions drawn from biblical wisdom and teaching. A common misunderstanding is to merge management and administration under leadership. Little or no attention is paid to the original meaning, identity and importance of management and administration in Christian ministry from the Bible.
This project tries to provide an understanding and integration for the ministerial worker before applying all kinds of theory and methodology, workers who are supposedly expected to practice the biblical principles directly dealing with God’s Kingdom ministry business.
Through this project, God-centered management and administration of biblical wisdom and teachings is the presupposition. “God-centered” is the key to bind stewardship, spiritual gifts, and spirituality together. “God-centered” is the starting point and way to sustain the exploration to form principles and perspective, new interpretation and integration of management and administration from the Bible for the ministerial workers in the Christian Church and para-church ministerial work field. Since this is not a discussion topic among theologians and ministerial workers, it will be the foundation for further study. The result hopefully becomes an option and a step to transformation for ministerial workers as His good and faithful servants for God’s Kingdom in Hong Kong and the other cities of the world.