The Transformational Effect--Answering the Missional Challenge to Transform Culture
by Jesse B. Davis
June 1st, 2008
The research question addressed in this paper is 'What transformational elements have contributed to Monroe Community Chapel's transition toward missional practice, culminating in the establishment of The Rock Church El Paso, a missional Church plant?' This project will address the issues of cultural transformation, the development of transformational leaders, the establishment of Kingdom Discipleship, and the formation of a missional philosophy of ministry, resulting in the planting of a Church in El Paso, Texas.
From relevant literature pertaining to the topic under discussion to a survey of the missional readiness of the Church, valuable information has been assimilated to formulate a missional philosophy of ministry for the purpose of establishing missional opportunities and for the development of transformational leaders.
In summary, the intention of this project has been to communicate the transformational elements that have attributed to Monroe Community Chapel's transition toward missional practice, culminating in the establishment of The Rock Church El Paso. A missional philosophy of ministry has been established, integrating transformational principles into the fabric of the Church to encourage submission to God's Word, a hunger and thirst for God's holiness, to bring honor to His name, and to develop incarnational opportunities both local and global so that society would be effectually transformed.
Through this process the leadership teams of Monroe Community Chapel and The Rock Church El Paso have been confronted with the responsibility to live on God's mission. Both teams have sensed God's call to pursue greater opportunities to live out His purpose while demonstrating holiness before those whom they have been called to steward.