Theology of Work: A Case Study for the Integration of a Local Church and Business for Community Transformation and its Missiological Implications
by Richmond Ofori-Tawiah
June 1st, 2012
The ministry problem statement discussed in this dissertation is how to integrate business into the local church ministry to create jobs for the church and the community to lead to the community's transformation. In addressing the problem the study will examine God's vision for the church and how it fits into the mission of God in the context of transforming the community through the application of integrating business
into the church ministry.
Chapter 1 will introduce the problem the study wants to solve and will bring in some perspectives of transformational leaderships.
Chapter 2 will examine other proposed solutions by reviewing some literature that sheds light on both the problem and other proposed solutions.
Chapter 3 will outline my main dissertation: Theology of Work: A Case Study for the Integration of Church and Business for community transformation and its missiological implications, using water purification as a model for solving the problem.
Chapter 4 will address the ministry problem's biblical and theological basis.
Chapter 5 will review the research I conducted in Ghana to find solutions to the problem.
Chapter 6 will examine what would be the outcome of this study in the context of the church and the community life.
In chapter 7 will draw a conclusion with regard to the impact of integrating business into church ministry.