Theology of Work’s Transformational Role in Bringing Joy at Work in the Teaching Profession at Eaglesvale School in Zimbabwe

by Josphat Mundamawo
July 26th, 2020
This dissertation project describes the use of Theology of Work principles to bring joy at work in the teaching profession at Eaglesvale School in Zimbabwe. The project includes an exploration of the historical, geographical, economic, and demographic background of the school with the objective to demonstrate that regardless of the background, an exciting, rewarding, stimulating, and enjoyable working environment is attainable. The research for the project focused on four categories: the school management board, the
executive leadership, the teachers, and the prefects who represent the whole student body. The main positive outcome of the project was the exposure of all school personnel to Theology of Work principles resulting in beginning efforts to transform the working environment of the school to a more fulfilling atmosphere.