The Practicing Church
by Madrid-Swetman, Rose Madrid-Swetman, Rose
June 1st, 2010
The real-world ministry problem discussed in this dissertation is: The Evangelical Church's mission predicament in the context of ministry in North America that resides in a post-Christendom, postmodern, pluralist society. The problem will be addressed by: using several case studies to help view the church's mission centered in the missio Dei.
Chapter 1 will discuss the problem of what I have called mission drift, the context for ministry found in the midst of a global cultural shift, the background of the project, the contribution to Transformational Leadership, and one proposed solution.
Chapter 2 will discuss other proposed solutions by reviewing literature that reflects on both the problem and other proposed solutions. Chapter 3 will look at the biblical and theological basis of the missio Dei using N. T. Wright's five-act-play model.
Chapter 4 will outline the case study research method using Vineyard Community Church's narrative of the past six plus years of navigating a transition to a congregation active in mission.
Chapter 5 will discuss my thesis: The Practicing Church, an in-depth narrative of the VCC story. Chapter 6 is the postscript telling my story of how the Bakke Graduate University doctoral program has influenced my ministry context, the impact of Transformational Leadership, and conclusions.