Student-Led, Adult-Mentored Cell-Group Ministry: An Evaluation of the High School Ministry at Tabernacle Baptist Church
by Scott Clements
April 27th, 2017
An emerging paradigm in youth ministry is the student-led, adult-mentored cell-group model of ministry. This model, also called platoons, is used in the student ministry at Tabernacle Baptist Church, Shoreline, Washington. The focus of this project is to evaluate how effective this model is at fulfilling biblical principles in the context of Tabernacle Baptist Church.
The research of this project shows clearly that there is a wide variety of biblical and sociological evidence in support of the platoon model. The student-led cell-group model has proven itself to be successful at reaching a fragmented high school society.
The evaluation conducted by this project reveals that the student-led, adult-mentored cell-group ministry at Tabernacle Baptist Church is effective at creating within students an attitude of worship, a desire for growth, a heart for purity, a passion for fellowship and a need for mission, but not a way for evangelism.
In light of this evaluation, it is the hopeful expectation of this project that the modifications made to the student-led cell group model will help ignite a fire for evangelism among the students at Tabernacle Baptist Church.