A Strategic Plan for Seattle Bible College: Pursuing Excellence in Christian Leadership Development for the Twenty-First Century
by Bryan K. Johnson
June 1st, 2001
Seattle Bible College (SBC) was birthed in 1955 as a result of a spiritual revival that impacted the Philadelphia Church in Seattle, Washington. More than four decades later, the command of the Spirit and the demands of the new century call SBC to re-double its efforts to fulfill its purpose in this generation.
This project will endeavor to knowledgeably and sensitively, yet boldly, constructively critique, opine, suggest, recommend, and offer reasonable and God-honoring solutions for the extension of His Kingdom as it relates to the ministry of SBC. The overall goal is that the Lord God will receive the greater glory due His Name in and through this servant-leadership development ministry.
The project and its author takes the position, as a foundational premise, that the Lord of the Harvest has an effective place of continuing and significant service for this College so that an increasing amount of emerging leaders can be transformed and equipped to change their world for Christ. Therefore, strategic evaluation, positioning and planning will be chronicled in this project that will present a path for the pursuit of excellence as Seattle Bible College further forges ahead into effective and relevant twenty-first century Christian leadership development.