Spiritual Nurture of Company Small Groups
by Sing Shun "Peter" Lam
April 27th, 2017
In light of the growing number of marketplace Christians in the congregation and the lack of relevant nurture materials targeting this group of believers, the author being a local church pastor desires to investigate their needs and the effective approach for the spiritual nurture of their company small groups for witnessing and transformation in the marketplace.
The research methods include literature review on various definitions of spirituality as well as church spiritual traditions and practices, the basis of evangelical spiritual theology and Christian books for the marketplace workers. Quantitative analysis of the result of survey questionnaires collected from the participants of church weekly white collars gospel luncheons was conducted and the results were used for identifying the Bible study topics to be explored in the group leader manual.
The materials prepared for the manual was tested out in a pilot small group and feedback was collected to improve and refine the materials. It was concluded that the incarnation model should be adopted by company small group to provide the spiritual nurture for Christians and seekers of truth.
Paul Stevens applied Christ's threefold offices of prophet, priest and king effectively for believers to live out their God's ordained roles in the marketplace. The author of this dissertation built on this concept to develop an expandable framework for organizing the Bible study materials in the leader manual that can edify the believers to live out the fact that Jesus is the truth, the way and the life, which in turn will bring out the message of faith, love and hope to the commercial world. Working together with other pastors and lay leaders, it is the author's ultimate goal that a vibrant force of witnessing and transformation in the marketplace would take place!