The Role and Title of the Minister in the Independent Christian Church
by Douglas W. Vernon
June 1st, 2003
This project seeks to aid the Minister of the Independent Christian Church in determining the role and title of his position. Answer the questions surrounding the title of the Minister and the role a Minister plays in the local church give this project its inspiration. This project seeks to assist both preachers and churches in better applying biblical truth to present reality.
This project resulted from various research methods. Biblical research and study, surveys of Ministers, interviews with Practical Ministries professors, historical religious study specific to the first two hundred years of church history and detailed review of the current status of the Independent Christian Church rounded out the research methods incorporated.
Throughout the process, the evidence consistently pointed to the highly significant role of the elder in the local congregation. Closely associated was the evidence that the current Minister would have been a paid, preaching elder. Other options for the role of the Minister became evident through biblical study, yet the role of today's Minister as The Pastor is difficult to find in scripture.
Four potential title distinctions resulted from the project: Minister as elder with an emphasis on preaching and teaching; the Minister as evangelist, emulating the role of Timothy and Titus; the Minister as deacon, who serves as a leader with preaching and teaching gifts; or the Minister as a member of the congregation with gifts of preaching and teaching.
Churches and ministers from all denominations can gain insight from the work and research of this project; yet this project is written from the vantage point the Independent Christian Church. Certain assumptions influence the research and the perspective of the writing that are highlighted in the definition section of the project.