The Role of Family in Organizational Transformation with A Particular Reference to Christian NGOs in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
by Masresha Bedada
June 1st, 2014
The purpose of this dissertation is to show the role of the family in helping transform organizations, especially Christian NGOs. The biblical origin, design, and purpose of the family is described throughout the paper so that there might be a clear understanding of the subject for those who are interested to read and have a closer look at this crucial matter, the family. The paper disclosed that the family is the building block for the church and the society at large. Unfolded throughout the paper is the influence of the family on the current and future generations. In addition, the project portrays the social consequences of healthy and broken families.
The literature review describes the family as a functional and relevant social system that enhances the development of individuals and, hence, prepares leaders to be agents of transformation in their areas of influence. Generally, the family is considered as a venue with individuals for organizational, community, and societal positive changes. In this regard, a healthy family is considered to be a strategic instrument in transforming Christian organizations in Addis Ababa, though it is not the only factor for positive changes in concerned workplaces.
The survey, the focus group discussions, and interviews indicated that the family is crucial in many aspects of human life. The research findings of the paper disclosed that the family of origin significantly influences the development of individuals and their marital relationships. In addition, the research results vividly showed that individuals’ family life influence reflected positively or negatively on their workplace relationships and effectiveness. It might be appropriate to say that the influence of the health family life on workplace or organizational transformation very strong. Therefore, the Christian family should be nurtured and cared for so that it may contribute toward the positive change and transformation of the church, Christian NGOs, and the corporate society in general.