Responding to Trials for Maximum Character Growth
by Steven J. Platter
August 28th, 2009
This project is about trials and a right response to them. The Scriptures speak of trials as instruments used by God to build character; however, there is a natural resistance to this idea. As people go through trials they experience guilt, blame themselves or others, and become resentful to God who allowed them. Onlookers may wonder if some hidden cause were responsible for the difficulties they observe in others, but those who look to God’s word realize the many reasons that people experience trials. They also discover that right responses to trials result in character development.
Biblical research confirmed categories of trials. There are trials of life – resulting from life in a sin-cursed creation; there are trials of discipline, sent from a heavenly Father to correct his children; there are trials of prevention, to keep believers from sin; and there are trials of education, that bring about deeper relationship with God.
Research through literature added perspective and stories of people who have endured personal struggles. Authors brought insight and examples that were rich nuggets of wisdom taken from the depths of experience. Research, from those who participated in surveys, questionnaires, and interviews confirmed these lessons and experiences.
Through this study and after analyzing the trials and responses common to all people, it became apparent that most had views that were unbiblical. Responding according to their own natural inclinations tended to increase the severity trials by adding further difficulties. When individuals purposed to respond God’s way, God’s grace always made improvements. Natural responses to trials proved consistently wrong. This project demonstrated the need for people to change their perspective on trials, face their fears, overcome their challenges with courage, and then heal.