Promoting Health and Well-Being Awareness to Empower People for Community Transformation in Emerging City: A Study of Lagos City in Nigeria

by Olulana Joseph Adeleke
June 1st, 2015
Health and well-being is a fundamental right of every human being according to the promises of God. The main purpose of the study was to promote health and well-being awareness to empower the people of the Kosofe Local Government (KLG) community of Lagos city in Nigeria for a better living condition.
Qualitative research method with the use of Appreciative Inquiry (AI) approach was used for the study. Two hundred fifty-two individuals were interviewed. Also, fifteen specialists and professionals with several other observers were involved in the focus group discussion.
Two sets of questions, comprised of eleven for the field interview and eight for the focus group discussions, were used apart from personal questions like age, sex, qualification, occupation and so on. The ex post facto research design was used because the cause and the effect of quality health and well-being had already occurred; hence, the data collected from the source were presented through an electronic transcription device without manipulation.
The findings revealed that the responsibility of promoting the required awareness on health and well-being matters lies with the primary health care providers by the government. However, the extent of awareness on health and well-being in the community is unacceptably low. Many people claimed they were not aware of health and well-being programmes organized within the community for the past few years. The people lack public education concerning prevailing health and well-being challenges and the ways of preventing and controlling them.