Peace for Cities: Building a Global Christ-Centered Civic Renewal Movement
by H. Spees
June 1st, 2012
This dissertation, entitled, 'Peace for Cities: Building a Global Christ-Centered Civic Renewal Movement for the 21st Century,' studies the global network of Leadership Foundations in order to discover how to contribute to building a cross-cultural, trans-national movement of faith-based leaders and organizations seeking the spiritual and social renewal of their respective cities around the world.
The problem is addressed by viewing Christ-Centered Civic Renewal (CCCR) from a number of perspectives including context, environment, and theological/biblical foundations.
Synthesizing and analyzing terms and definitions common to the field of city transformation and civic renewal, a paradigm of five elements with an integrating factor was discovered to express CCCR's core characteristics and distil some of the essence of this dynamic movement in hopes of better defining and framing 'Christ-Centered Civic Renewal.'
A combination of qualitative and quantitative research methods are used to examine CCCR's historical roots, locus, position relative to other civic communities, organization, work, transferability, and future.
The project concludes with specific recommendations for leveraging this study's findings to strengthen the CCCR movement. A final ministry reflection highlights the urgency and Kingdom importance of CCCR.