Marketing and Contextualized Theology in the Global City
by Doralynne Manu
June 1st, 2012
The author is studying how marketing informs contextualized theology and how contextualized theology shapes marketing through the missological platform of the global city. The stakeholders to this project are the leadership at Power to Change, Canada, thus
contributing to and influencing the organizational realm through which the author ministers. The structure of this dissertation is firstly through literature review, engaging in contrasting positions regarding marketing and the Church, as well as an exploration of the history and evolution of marketing in association to the Church. The research technique explored in this dissertation is Appreciative Inquiry through the means of interviews of Power to Change leadership. Therefore, the development of interview questions and the organizational and personal principles framed in application are shaped by both a marketing construct and an Appreciative Inquiry positioning, seeking strength and organizational capacity by which to envision the future.