Living Vertically in a Horizontal Culture: A God-Centered Journey
by David P. Craig
June 1st, 2003
Why is it that so few Christians are joyful? Why do so few Christians manifest the fruit of the Spirit? Why are so many Christians not living in a Christ-like manner? The primary problem is Christians have become more influenced by a secular worldview then by a worldview that is Theocentric. Secularism has made a literal beeline to the heart of the Christian faith. Our culture has a greater impact on Christians than does Christ. Man-centered thinking has infiltrated the heart and soul of the church and Christians are more concerned about pleasing men than God.
This dissertation will focus on helping the Christian passionately develop a high view of God. The Biblical portrayal of God and his glory in the Person of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit will build the foundation that is necessary for living vertically in a culture predominately influenced by a horizontally inept view of God. Living vertically involves a relationship with the God of the Bible, convictions and values based on that relationship, and a disciplined plan of action in order to reflect His glory in the world.