An Integrated Systems Approach to the Health of the Local Church in the 21st Century Specifically as it Relates to the Context of the Small Church
by Rankin McGougan
June 1st, 1999
It is the intention of this writer to answer one main question in this project. What are the major systems within the local church body whose integration and health are essential ingredients that will enable that local church to thrive and fulfill its biblical mandate in the increasingly hostile environment of the 21st Century? These issues will be looked at from the perspective of the church as a whole but with greater attention to, and specific focus on, the small church setting. This writer will also use many of the situations and circumstances at Valley Community Church as an example of some of the challenges as well as a model of some of the possibilities. With that in mind the eventual hope is that the results of this project will be helpful and practical to any other pastor, leader or congregation facing similar challenges.