Hedges: The Prince of this World will be Driven out. A Comprehensive Biblical Analysis of the Different Types of Activity in the Spiritual Arena
by Joseph B. Fuiten
June 1st, 2009
By examining every passage of Scripture related to spiritual entities, and sorting them using a database, this manuscript attempts to define the seventeen different ways that demons and the devil come against people. The manuscript also uses the same method to show the twenty-seven conditions under which those various attacks occur.
In showing that the devil is limited to certain types of attacks and under a proscribed set of conditions, his power is shown to be limited as compared to the power of God. The power of God is shown to be sovereign, whereas the power of the devil is shown to be limited by the rules which God has established.
The set of rules which God uses to limit the devil’s powers and create a place of protection for people, is defined as being a “hedge.” This idea of a hedge is shown to be related to the traditional understanding of God’s power versus that of the devil.