Guidelines for the Development of an Effective Pastoral Staff which can Lead the Church in Reaching Its Full Ministry Potential
by John T. Willoughby
June 1st, 1998
The church has long been the primary place where people meet to corporately worship God, study His Word, fellowship and edify one another. In addition, the church is God's ordained institution to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ around the world. It is the responsibility of the church to send missionaries to foreign countries to start new churches, disciple nations and actively engage in spiritual warfare with Satan, the god of this world.
Unfortunately, the local church is not doing well in America. George Barna states in his book, User Friendly Churches, 'Relatively few of the nation's 300,000 plus Protestant congregations are increasing the number of people who attend their worship services by at least 10 percent each year.' Church growth consultant Dr. Henry Klopp reviews the state of the church by comparing it to a crumbing business.