God for Dummies
by Tim Harlow
June 1st, 2003
This project is designed to be a book manuscript in popular style. I will address the major issue of God's nature and characteristics. I realize that this topic is about as broad as could be possible. Actually it is the broadest topic imaginable. However, my idea is to narrow the audience, instead of the topic.
I am not going to write a book to prove God's existence; I am not going to write about the deep attributes and qualities of the 'I Am;' I am not even writing to Christians. I am going to write a book explaining the love and goodness of God to people who think that there is a God, but have given up trying to understand Him.
My manuscript will be will be defined by some very basic assumptions. They are my assumptions about my audience based on my experience in seventeen years of ministry, and more importantly - ten years of ministry in a predominantly Catholic area of Chicago. I believe that the people in my area represent the average un-churched person of America. Their assumptions are:
1. They believe in God but are afraid of him. They have a very Old Testament view of the Creator. They don't like God. God is a vengeful, punishing God because he allows evil and suffering.
2. They want to believe in God. In spite of their fear or lack of understanding, they do truly want to believe. I think there is a 'God-shaped hole' in all of us. These people just don't know what to believe. Depending on the poll you read, up to 90% of people in America say they believe in God. They believe in heaven, angels, prayer and most of the good stuff. They just don't know what to do with the whole picture.