A Gathering of Nations: Establishing Ethnic Christian Churches Within a Western Culture
by Patrick Saffarian
June 1st, 2006
In the midst of the globalization of the world in the 21st Century, it is easy to get caught up and forget that the Lord has commissioned the church to make disciples of all the nations. Even though Christianity is by far the most global and multicultural religion today, frequently in the midst of hostile cultures, there is still much more work to be accomplished to fulfill the Great Commission. These challenges have actually presented unique advantages to the church that should not be overlooked. The people from many of the unreached countries, which are often anti-Christian, repressive societies, have come to the Western world. These ethnic people are prime candidates for ethnic Christians to reach their own people through evangelism and discipleship. Despite the need, there are not enough churches working to create a targeted program to reach out to these unreached immigrants. Surprisingly, in a society that likes to celebrate diversity, these ethnic people, who can be evangelized with minimal resources, remain mostly unchurched.
This dissertation intends to present at least a stepping stone to begin discipleship programs for the unreached ethnic groups in the Western world today. The author contends that true celebration of diversity comes when we know that our neighbors of different cultures also know the Truth, and that the Truth has set them free as well.
The author has been involved in starting two ethnic congregations and works within a network of ethnic church planters. Using his experience and knowledge he demonstrates how it is possible to go even further than mere evangelism of few individuals and their integration into the Western churches. The dissertation explores the idea of planting ethnic churches, with a strong emphasis on evangelism and discipleship, and principles for their growth throughout different stages.
The author concludes that establishing ethnic churches in the Western culture will do more than discipling the immigrants of that ethnic group in a locality. His experience proves that the individuals that are saved through the ministries of the ethnic congregations turn out to be uniquely capable of evangelizing and discipling the unreached people of the same ethnicity in the West as well as abroad. In Addition, the involvement of these individuals, with unique cultural experience, and their fellowship in the body of Christ will be the spiritual boost that the Western world needs in 21st Century.