Fulfilling the Equipping Responsibility of Canyon Creek Baptist Church Through the Ministry Training School
by Walter Duane Adkins
June 1st, 1999
The purpose of this dissertation is to determine the practicality and necessity for church-based training at Canyon Creek Baptist Church (CCBC) of Richardson, Texas. After proving the need for such training, this paper develops and explains the pragmatics of the Canyon Creek Ministry Training School (CCMTS). CCMTS will enable the church to fulfill her responsibility for equipping the saints to do the work of the ministry.
It is the vision of the Pastor of Canyon Creek, Dr. Terry Smith, to provide a means to mature and equip ministry workers and leaders and those called to vocational ministry. The purpose of CCMTS is to help the members of CCBC to reach their maximum potential in serving Christ. By doing so, the church will be able to reproduce her ministry, expand her capacity to do ministry, and increase her potential for outreach into the community and around the world. As the members of Canyon Creek perceive God's call to be a vital part of the local church ministry, and as some are called to full-time vocational ministry, the church must respond by training them. The success of the ministry, the ability of the members to fulfill personal ministry within the body, and the ability to reproduce that ministry worldwide is dependent upon the ability of Canyon Creek to complete the task that God has given to 'equip the saints to do the work of the ministry (Eph. 4:12 KJV)'.