Educating Transformational Leaders at The Bachelor's Level in The Philippines
by Paul Rollet
June 1st, 2014
The purpose of this project was to design and pilot two classes, Urban Transformational Leadership and Transformational Christian Leadership, at APCCS during the 2013-2014 school year. The goal was to help strengthen the curriculum at APCCS, and other Bible schools around the Philippines, in their four-year Bachelor of Arts degrees in Theology and Christian Education. By strengthening the curriculum, the students have become better prepared for holistic ministry as pastors, educators, counselors, and community developers in their communities, the Philippines, and the world.
The project designed, implemented, and evaluated the two classes at APCCS, and provided an updated syllabus for the class in Urban Transformational Leadership to be used by APCCS and Bible colleges in the Philippines as early as the 2014-2015 school year. Following the two one-semester classes in the 2013-2014 school year, a consultation was held at Asian Theological Seminary (ATS) in Quezon City with fifteen students, graduates, faculty, and administrators from various Bible schools around the Philippines. The project and evaluation has contributed to the growing literature and pioneering work of educating transformational leaders in the Philippines, particularly at the bachelor’s level.