Eagles and Elephants: Brand Transformation of Nazarene Compassionate Ministries in Jamaica East And West Districts
by Tesha Marie Thompson
July 2nd, 2019
As a contribution to scholarship in transformational leadership, this dissertation project provides a case study on brand transformation of compassionate ministries in the Jamaica East and West Districts of the Church of the Nazarene. The project provides a discussion on the principles of Asset-based Community Development, Theology of Work, brand transformation, transformational leadership, adult learning models, and stewardship of talents and spiritual gifts. The intervention strategy followed an Appreciative Inquiry approach and included the use of education and training as well as communication through various media forms. Findings supported the need for brand transformation and replicated work in the Bahamas and South Belize Districts in compassionate ministries. Findings also revealed that personnel in the Jamaican Nazarene Districts need new vision for leading compassionate ministries as 68% of respondents could not conceptualize anything new that could be offered.