The Discovery and Use of Motivational Gifts in the Local Church
by Farrar, Billy T. Farrar, Billy T.
June 1st, 1995
According to Genesis 1:26, God created man in his image and likeness to have dominion over all creation on his behalf. This means that man exists to show forth the being of God, and is here as His representative agent. Man has not been created for himself, but for God.
As God's representative, man is to be a certain kind of person and to do specific tasks. Ephesians 2:10 says, 'We are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.' God has created each person to do a certain task in a certain way.
The differences in every personality is essential to the fulfillment of God's will. Life makes little sense without an understanding of the will of God for a person's life and understanding exactly where that person fits into God's eternal purpose.
Every member of the body of Christ, without exception, is vital to the church's function. Each member of the church is most happy and fulfilled when they are functioning properly.
The discovery of one's motivational gift is essential to finding God's will and functioning properly within the body of Christ. If a person does not discover who they are and what God wants them to do, they will become frustrated and live unfulfilled. Christ intended for His Body to live fulfilled lives.
This study investigates the factors and conditions which are associated with the discovery of one's motivational gift and maintaining a fulfilled life.
It investigates how through teaching sessions, a member of the Body of Christ, can discover their gift and become a vital instrument in the development of the Church.
The samples for the investigation were taken at three different churches, in three different cities, and with three different age groupings. The teaching sessions were taught with an emphasis placed more on the participants becoming involved in ministry than just the discovery of one's gift.
From the results and findings it was determined that the emphasis of involvement resulted in the participants becoming involved in ministry within the Body of Christ. When a person discovers their gift and involves themselves in ministry, it will result in fruitfulness within the church.
God has not ask individuals to place themselves in ministry roles where he has not gifted them to minister.