Discovering Their True Calling: Teachers' Bible Study Group Transforming the Workplace as Servant Leaders
by Valencia Carroll
June 1st, 2012
The purpose of this dissertation is to show how schools, institutions, churches and non-governmental organizations can transform the workplace by forming a core group of Servant leaders. God has called each person to care for His creation and to serve others by becoming care-taker of the earth. One is only able to transform the workplace, church, and by extension the community when one shows love and works in one’s true calling by rendering unselfish service.
The focus of this study describes how teachers in a local high school or any other group can transform the workplace when answering the call to serve others in their sphere of influence. A servant leader approach by teachers might lead to more effective learning and satisfying teaching in schools. Members must be of like mind, gifted in different areas, respectful of authority, respectful of each other, and have a mind to work. Changes take place in small increments. To affect change we must start from within or with a small group and change the greater population much the way Jesus did. Jesus built a personal relationship with his Father, disciples, community and then the world. Teachers should model the example of Jesus as one who walked in his calling and eventually transformed his followers and eventually the world.
The methodology used was the formation of a small group called the Teachers Bible Study Group which met weekly under the leadership of a colleague with support and sponsorship from a local community church. The leader inspired, motivated, and encouraged the members to emulate the Master Teacher and work as a team of servant leaders. Several programs solidified the group purpose by including a PowerPoint presentation on Servant leadership incorporating the work of Greenleaf, Sikes and Frick, a segment called, ‘Go Fish’ and Forty Days in the Word by Rick Warren. These programs prepared the group to expand their territories by reaching the poor of the community by sponsoring a Free Fair.
Servant leadership has the followers as its main focus, where they grow as persons and thereby are more likely to reach the objectives of the school. The findings proved that forming a small group of leaders benefitted the school and by extension the community.
It is recommended that this project be used with other schools, members of local churches through the men’s, women’s and youth groups, and local Girl’s Brigade Organizations. This project would bring recognition and focus to those individuals who are now servant leaders in workplaces. This project would also cause others to form a group to bring about transformation in the community. Servant leadership promotes the valuing and development of people, the building of community, the providing of good of those led, and the sharing of power for the common good. It would encourage leaders to focus on their calling and remind them to emulate the master teacher –Jesus.