The Development of a Farm System to Produce Transformational Church Multiplication Leaders for Evangelical Friends Church Southwest
by Robert Don Webster
June 1st, 2007
At certain times and places throughout the Christian era, God has seen fit to unleash movements whereby great numbers of people have come to believe in Christ and churches have experienced rapid multiplication. Of the many human factors present in all church multiplication movements, none is more critical than the ability to produce an ongoing flow of new leaders. Any movement will eventually subside without this ongoing flow of new leaders.
The Evangelical Friends Church Southwest is a fellowship of churches in California, Arizona, and Nevada connected through a shared evangelical theology and fervor with a common Friends' heritage. Today, the stated vision for Evangelical Friends Church Southwest is that they would seek to live their lives as Jesus would live if He were in their shoes and together fuel a worldwide church multiplication movement that their grandchildren's grandchildren will be compelled to expand.
With this lofty desire in place, the focus of this dissertation is the development of a farm system to produce transformational church multiplication leaders for Evangelical Friends Church Southwest. Specifically, this farm system proposal is designed for use in the majority of the churches of Evangelical Friends Church Southwest which have an average Sunday morning attendance of below 300 persons. The proposal takes into consideration the elements of leadership development that are already in place and builds upon them.
This dissertation is written with the purpose of having the proposal implemented for use by the Board of New Church Development for Evangelical Friends Church Southwest.