Developing a Transformational Leadership Certification to Expand the Transformational Leadership Capability Within the For-Profit and Non-Profit Sectors
by Charles V. Barber
May 22nd, 2016
This dissertation was designed to develop a solution to help mitigate capability and leadership gaps as they relate to applying Transformational Leadership principles to change management, process improvement, and transformational efforts in various sectors. As a result of observations made of urban renewal efforts at Fresno, California and transformational projects supported within the Department of Defense, the research provided in this project results in the first industry-recognized Transformational Leadership and Process Improvement training and certification program. This dissertation project and training program leverages existing frameworks of the Management and Strategic Institute, Bakke Graduate University’s Transformational Leadership concepts, and Six Sigma methodologies to ensure that transformational leadership concepts were seamlessly integrated, easily recognizable, and accredited.